Found these 1970s books in a .... junk shop! Unusual design - Really like the font and colours used,
Saw this for the first time this week - then again the next day. Can't recommend this film enough and can't believe it's so overlooked. The original trailer is on Youtube but it's awful and does nothing to publicise the true gem this is. Fantastic cast - Hywell Bennett, Hayley Mills, Britt Ekland and a host of great British actors in minor roles such as Peter Bowles and George Sanders , haunting film score by Bernard Herrmann, every scene carefully shot with incredible use of colour - Wes Anderson eat your heart out - and a shockingly upsetting denouement which I never saw coming! Billed as a horror film it's not that conventional and is more of a surreal psycho thriller. Written by Agatha Christie but has far more of an eerie Daphne Du Maurier feel to it. A truly strange and unsettling film that will stay with you for days to come.. I shall be using these blog pages to mostly post pictures, items and links to things I've found that I like or inspire me whether they be charity shop finds like this lovely edition of Dylan Thomas' 'Under Milk Wood' I found the other day - fantastic design - films , music and anything else I feel like waffling on about
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All photos © Becky Stewart unless otherwise stated
All photos © Becky Stewart unless otherwise stated